Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Absolutely! We understand the importance of receiving the exact product you saw in the WEBSITE, so we make sure to ship out whatever you ordered. We also go a step further and quality check every product before shipping it out to you to make sure it’s up to our standards.

If you’d like to view your sales receipt, it’s easy to do! Simply log into your account online, click on the ‘My Account’ tab and navigate to your order history. From there, you can easily select the order in question and pull up the sales receipt for review. If you have any further questions about viewing your sales receipt, our customer service team is available to help you. Thanks for shopping with us!

If you would like to return an item, please contact the customer service team at the store where you purchased the item. They will be able to provide you with specific instructions for returning the item and will help you through the process. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help. We are here to make sure you have the best shopping experience possible. Thank you!

Yes, we will definitely restock items indicated as “out of stock”. We understand that it can be frustrating to be unable to purchase a product you need, so we work hard to get those items back in stock as soon as possible. We also do our best to offer customers a wide selection of products, so keep checking back in case what you’re looking for becomes available. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

No need to worry! Shipping your order is safe, easy, and fast. We use USPS Priority and Priority Express to ship our orders all over the world. Your order will be processed and shipped out the same day it was placed, and you can expect to receive it within 1-5 business days. If you have any questions or would like more information on where your order is shipping to, feel free to contact us at our customer service number. We’re here to help you!

YES You can track your order to go on the page of (Track your Order). Thank You

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